
Feature Focus: What to Look for in Your Manufacturing CoW Software

Mar 21, 2024

Feature Focus: What to Look for in Your Manufacturing CoW Software

Mar 21, 2024

control of work

Control of Work (CoW) software is not just a tool; it’s the backbone of your manufacturing success. Selecting the right Control of Work software is more than just improving daily operations. It’s a decision that lays the groundwork for your business’s achievement, offering tangible benefits that elevate workplace safety and every aspect of your manufacturing process.

The implementation of CoW software not only enhances safety, but boosts worker productivity, by accelerating processes related to job-related risk assessments, the issuing of work permits, shift handovers and isolation management planning.

This comprehensive guide goes through the essential features of CoW software and their operational benefits, culminating in a practical checklist to ensure you select a solution that propels your manufacturing operations into the future.

Key Features of CoW Software Explained

1. Integrated Workflow Management

Feature Explanation: This core feature provides a unified platform for planning, executing, and monitoring all CoW processes covering permits, isolations, risk assessments/job hazard analysis and shift management, breaking down silos and ensuring seamless operations.

Benefits in Daily Operations: By centralising workflow management, manufacturers can achieve unparalleled visibility and control over CoW processes, leading to improved efficiency, reduced errors, and accelerated production cycles.

2. Real-Time Data Analytics

Feature Explanation: CoW software equipped with real-time analytics capabilities offers instant access to operational data, enabling informed decision-making and timely interventions.

Benefits in Daily Operations: This feature transforms data into actionable insights, allowing manufacturers to optimise processe and respond proactively to emerging issues, ensuring continuous operational improvement.

3. Compliance and Safety Management

Feature Explanation: This essential feature automates the tracking and enforcement of safety protocols and regulatory compliance, ensuring that manufacturing operations adhere to the highest standards.

Benefits in Daily Operations: By automating compliance and safety management, CoW software not only minimises the risk of violations and accidents but also fosters a culture of safety, enhancing employee morale and productivity.

4. Collaborative Communication Platforms

Feature Explanation: CoW software includes communication tools that facilitate seamless interaction and CoW-related information sharing among teams, departments, and external partners, ensuring everyone is aligned and informed.

Benefits in Daily Operations: Enhanced communication and collaboration foster a more agile and responsive manufacturing environment, where problems are solved more efficiently, and innovation is nurtured.

manufacturing cow
manufacturing safety

Checklist for Choosing the Right Software

  1. Customization and Scalability: Ensure the software can be tailored to fit your unique operational needs and can scale as your business grows.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Look for intuitive design and ease of use to ensure high adoption rates among your team.
  3. Integration Capabilities: The software should seamlessly integrate with your existing systems (ERP, etc.) to ensure a unified operational ecosystem.
  4. Advanced Security Features: With the increasing threat of cyber attacks, robust security measures are non-negotiable to protect your sensitive data and operations.
  5. Support and Training: A reliable vendor should offer comprehensive support and training to ensure your team can maximise the benefits of the software.
  6. Innovative Edge: Choose a software that is forward-thinking, incorporating the latest technologies (AI, ML, IoT) to keep you ahead in the digital manufacturing landscape.
  7. Mobile Access: Prioritise software that offers mobile access and functionality, enabling your workforce to perform critical tasks and access real-time information anytime, anywhere. This capability is crucial for supporting a dynamic and flexible work environment, fostering timely decision-making and enhanced productivity.
  8. Cost-Effectiveness: Beyond the initial investment, consider the long-term ROI the software will bring through operational efficiencies and cost savings.


Selecting the right CoW software is a strategic decision that goes beyond mere operational needs; it’s about choosing a partner in your digital transformation journey.

By focusing on these pivotal features and adhering to the checklist, you can ensure that your CoW software not only meets your current requirements but also empowers your future manufacturing ambitions.

At Elisa IndustrIQ, we understand the complexities and challenges of modern manufacturing. Our solutions are designed not just to meet these challenges but to turn them into opportunities for growth, innovation, and sustainability.

Let us be your guide in this transformative journey, ensuring that your manufacturing operations are not just efficient and compliant, but truly future-ready. Together, we can redefine what’s possible in manufacturing, today and tomorrow.

Do you want to know more about Control of Work software and what benefits it can bring to your organisation? Read our whitepaper Digitalising Control of Work in Manufacturing: Enhancing Safety & Efficiency.