
Digitalisation, Data Economy, and Artificial Intelligence are Changing Manufacturing Work

Feb 7, 2024

Digitalisation, Data Economy, and Artificial Intelligence are Changing Manufacturing Work

Feb 7, 2024

digital workspace manufacturing

Three pivotal forces—digitalisation, data economy, and artificial intelligence—are reshaping the manufacturing sector. Gone are the days when the physical shop floor was the epicenter of operations. Today, the digital workspace serves as a hub for information, collaboration, and innovation. But what does this shift mean for manufacturing organisations like yours?

The Digital Workspace: More Than Just a Trend

The strong change in manufacturing is evident at the intersection of three major megatrends: the digitalisation of everything, the enormous growth in the amount of data, and artificial intelligence needed for analysing data masses. These forces are as transformative for manufacturing as electricity was a century ago. The message is clear: adapt or risk falling behind in productivity and competitiveness.

AI and Data: The New Co-Pilots in Manufacturing

Artificial intelligence and data analytics are no longer optional; they are essential tools for optimising processes, from supply chain management to quality control. The data economy is not just a buzzword; it is a paradigm shift that requires us to rethink our operational models fundamentally.

The Physical vs. Digital Factory Floor

The traditional factory floor is evolving into a digital ecosystem, complete with digital twins, virtual collaboration spaces and data-driven decision-making tools. This does not mean the end of physical spaces but rather their integration into a more flexible, digitally-augmented environment. For instance, maintenance mechanics can now guide machine operators through repairs in real-time, using digital twins and augmented reality—right from their office.

digitalisation, ai, data economy

Breaking Down Rigid Practices

There are strong arguments in favour of dismantling rigid and outdated practices in manufacturing. Work methods also should be adapted to change digitally in manufacturing if one wants to remain a relevant player in the future. Whether it is through automating routine tasks or adopting agile methodologies, the industry can benefit most from shedding its old skin to embrace more dynamic and responsive digital work practices.

There is a risk that if a manufacturing company does not dismantle traditional, often rigid work methods that hinder digital work, a flexible digital work method that emphasises individual freedom and responsibility cannot properly become widespread in the company. Productivity and competitiveness benefit from a transition from rigid work structures to more flexible ones.

digital workspace

AI: A Catalyst for Change

AI is not just a tool but a catalyst for change, enabling faster, more efficient, and cost-effective operations. The sooner we integrate AI and other digital tools into our workflows, the quicker we’ll see a rise in productivity and operational excellence.

“How do we keep all employees up to date with new tools such as artificial intelligence?” Elisa’s Head of HR, Merja Ranta-aho asks and answers: “The starting point is trust in people and their desire to do their work well. It is worth taking employees into the discussion about what kind of digital workplace practices make work more efficient and help in doing it better.” (Digitalisaatio, Datatalous Ja Tekoäly Muuttavat Työn Tekemisen Tapaa, 2023, p. 1)

New tools are part of digitalisation. “It is now important in all organisations to develop expertise related to new digital workplace tools.” adds Merja Ranta-aho and continues: “We must learn to use them and ask how they can help us do our work better and more efficiently.”

For example, artificial intelligence is now changing working life and the world significantly. “Work changes when someone does things faster, better, or cheaper. With the help of artificial intelligence, we can do all of this,” (Digitalisaatio, Datatalous Ja Tekoäly Muuttavat Työn Tekemisen Tapaa, 2023, p. 1) says Kristo Lehtonen, who leads the Fair Data Economy theme at Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra.

He advises companies to gradually introduce artificial intelligence, first in matters that make employees’ everyday lives easier. “This way, employees are included in the change, and at the same time, work becomes more efficient.”

“The faster we humans learn to use new tools and change work practices, the faster work productivity will start to rise.”  (Digitalisaatio, Datatalous Ja Tekoäly Muuttavat Työn Tekemisen Tapaa, 2023, p. 1) Lehtonen summarises.

Are You Ready for the Digital Evolution?

The digital workspace is not a distant future but a present reality. The question is not whether to adapt, but how quickly can you do it? As we at Elisa IndustrIQ navigate this transformative landscape, it is crucial to engage in collaborative dialogues, both internally and with industry partners, to co-create solutions that offer modular flexibility, data-driven insights, and a holistic view of the digital manufacturing ecosystem.

This is what a digital workplace is all about. How ready is your organisation for the data economy and work in the digital world? Would you like to discuss how these insights could be integrated into your digital transformation strategy? We are here to collaborate and advise.