
Optimizing F&B Supply Chains with Advanced SCM Modules: A Focus on Resource Planning and Demand Management

Apr 17, 2024

Optimizing F&B Supply Chains with Advanced SCM Modules: A Focus on Resource Planning and Demand Management

Apr 17, 2024

advanced scm modules: resource & supply planning, demand management

The food and beverage (F&B) industry is dealing with an increasing amount of supply chain challenges and uncertainties. Therefore, managing supply chain volatility is a crucial strategy for staying ahead as defined in our previous article Mastering Supply Chain Volatility. Advanced Supply Chain Management (SCM) solutions are pivotal in transforming these challenges into opportunities for growth and efficiency.

Of the diverse landscape of SCM solutions, two are key components for F&B manufacturers: Resource and Supply Planning, and Demand Management. These solutions are gateways to achieving a more resilient, flexible, and efficient supply chain. Particularly, when demand management solutions are equipped with demand forecasting functionalities. This innovative capability, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, harnesses real-time data and external factors, offering unprecedented accuracy in managing demand.

This article delves deeper into the role of resource and supply planning, and demand management, uncovering how these modules can improve F&B supply chains and why they represent a critical investment in the future of the industry.

resource & supply planning

The Importance of Resource & Supply Planning in Food and Beverage

The backbone of any efficient supply chain lies in its ability to plan resources and supplies effectively. In the F&B industry, where for example the freshness of ingredients and products directly impacts product quality and consumer satisfaction, this becomes even more critical. A Resource & Supply Planning solution is designed to address this need head-on, providing manufacturers with a sophisticated toolset to optimise inventory levels, ensure timely procurement of raw materials, and significantly minimise waste.

Resource and supply planning is used to simulate, validate, and confirm the finite capacity production plan. This way, the system allows to simulate the impact of the infinite capacity production and supply plan on the physical and logical resources and constraints.

The advantages of implementing a robust Resource & Supply Planning solution extend beyond mere inventory management. It plays a role in:

  • Improving Production Planning: By predicting the exact quantities of materials needed and their delivery timings, manufacturers can streamline their production schedules, reducing downtime and maximising throughput.
  • Reducing Costs: Efficient resource planning directly translates into cost savings. By minimising overstock and understock situations, manufacturers can significantly lower holding costs and reduce the risk of spoilage, particularly important for perishable goods.
  • Enhancing Sustainability: Waste reduction is a critical component of sustainability initiatives within the F&B industry. Through precise planning and inventory control, manufacturers can take a significant step towards achieving their sustainability goals, contributing to a more environmentally responsible supply chain.

Demand Management and the Power of Forecasting

Demand volatility is a key challenge in manufacturing, and you can only have limited control over market fluctuations. What you can control is how you prepare for and respond to it. In an industry as consumer driven as food and beverage, the ability to align production with market demand is therefore paramount. A tailored Demand Management solution is at the forefront of enabling F&B manufacturers to achieve this alignment.

A Demand Management solution is essential for balancing production outputs with market needs. It empowers manufacturers to make data-driven decisions and analyse data streams to forecast demand. This agility is crucial for meeting market demands efficiently while maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.

At Elisa IndustrIQ, we take demand management to a higher level by integrating AI capabilities into demand forecasting. Where traditional forecasting methods rely largely on historical data and operate under the assumption that past performance is an indicator for future results, we created a machine learning (ML) model that incorporates large exogenous data (such as weather, seasonality, and economic indicators) into the dataset for demand forecasting. By doing this, manufacturers obtain a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of factors influencing demand. This creates a strong competitive edge in markets with high supply chain and demand volatility, and disruptions.

demand management

Synergies: Integrating Supply Chain Management Solutions

The synergy achieved by integrating SCM solutions such as Resource & Supply Planning and Demand Management, creates a more resilient and responsive supply chain for food and beverage manufacturers. This holistic approach ensures that every aspect of the supply chain is optimised, from the procurement of raw materials to meeting the final product demand in the market. The integration of the two solutions described in this article facilitates a seamless flow of information across the early stages of the supply chain. Resource and supply planning ensures that materials are available when needed, based on accurate forecasts, while demand management, empowered by AI, dynamically adjusts these forecasts in response to real-time market signals. This synergy minimises the gaps between supply and demand, leading to improved operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

scm solutions for food and beverage manufacturers

A Look into the Future: Food and Beverage Supply Chain Management

Looking ahead, the role of technology in SCM, particularly for the F&B industry, is set to become more prominent. Where AI-powered demand forecasting was just one of the many examples, artificial intelligence is paving the way for more intelligent, adaptive supply chains capable of anticipating and responding to market dynamics with unprecedented precision. As technology continues to evolve, F&B manufacturers must remain agile, embracing new solutions that can enhance their supply chain operations.

The journey towards supply chain optimisation is ongoing. F&B manufacturers should view SCM technology as a tool for continuous improvement, requiring regular updates and refinements to keep pace with changing market demands and technological advancements

Read also: 3 Reasons Why F&B Manufacturers Should Digitalise Their Supply Chain