
Human-Centred Digitisation: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and People in Manufacturing

Jan 25, 2024

Human-Centred Digitisation: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and People in Manufacturing

Jan 25, 2024

human-centred digitalisation

Embracing digital transformation is key to staying ahead in today’s fast-changing world of Industry 4.0. Yet, amidst this surge towards digitalisation, especially on the shop floor, there exists a paradox that we at Elisa IndustrIQ find both fascinating and challenging. A human-centred digitisation approach could be the solution.

The Digital Paradox in Modern Manufacturing

Picture a manufacturing floor equipped with a brand-new 100” 8K production dashboard. Impressive, isn’t it? However, if this screen is underutilised, merely displaying static updates from a SQL database, it symbolises a significant misstep in the journey of digital transformation. This scenario illustrates a prevalent issue: the gap between acquiring cutting-edge technology and effectively integrating it into the fabric of daily operations.

Key Missteps in Digitalisation

  • Preference for Tech Trends Over Real Needs: Companies can be lured by the latest technological innovations, leading to investments in solutions that may not necessarily meet their unique operational challenges.
  • Strategic Planning Deficit: The absence of a coherent, long-term digital strategy can lead to spontaneous, disjointed technology adoptions that do not align with the overarching goals of digital transformation.
  • Insufficient User Input in Development: When end-user feedback is not thoroughly incorporated in the development of tools, the result can be a mismatch between the tool’s capabilities and the actual needs of daily operations.
  • Adapting to Swift Tech Advances: Integrating rapidly evolving technological solutions with existing infrastructures poses a challenge, often resulting in tools being underutilised or improperly integrated.
  • Excessive Focus on Form over Function: Concentrating too much on the visual appeal or advanced features of new technologies can lead to overlooking their practical effectiveness, culminating in tools that are visually impressive but limited in improving operational efficiency.

Understanding these pitfalls is crucial, but the real question is, how do we navigate this complex digital landscape effectively?

digitisation pitfalls

Human-Centred Digitisation: Our Approach

At Elisa IndustrIQ, we believe the key lies in human-centred digitisation. It is not merely about installing advanced tools; it is about creating a seamless integration of these tools into your tier and performance management structure, aligning them with the natural workflow of your employees.

The Human-Technology Symbiosis

Combining machine precision with human interaction is intricate and demands a deep understanding of your processes and people. Our focus is on creating solutions that enhance human capabilities, not replace them. This approach ensures that technology serves as an enabler, augmenting human skills and intuition driving the human-centred approach.


Supervisory Support: A Pillar of Success

Our supervisors play a crucial role in this journey. They’re not just overseers but active participants in fostering a culture where technology and human expertise coalesce. Their support and insight are invaluable in aligning our digital tools with the actual needs of the shop floor.

Practical Integration Over Theatrical Display

Digitisation must transcend being a ‘show program’ for management. It needs to be deeply embedded in the everyday operations, enhancing productivity, decision-making, and employee engagement.

The Road Ahead: Embracing Human-Centred Digitalisation

As we move forward, our focus remains steadfast on this human-centred approach. We understand that the future of manufacturing lies in the symbiotic relationship between advanced technology and human ingenuity. Our commitment is to continue developing solutions that are not only innovative but also intuitive and aligned with the real needs of our clients.

Empowering the Workforce

By placing people at the heart of our digital transformation initiatives, we empower them to interact with technology in ways that enhance their skills and productivity. This empowerment leads to a more engaged, efficient, and innovative workforce.

Fostering Sustainable Innovation

Our approach to digitalisation is not just about immediate gains but long-term sustainability. By aligning technology with human needs, we ensure that our digital transformation efforts are sustainable, scalable, and adaptable to future changes.

Concluding Thoughts

In conclusion, the journey of digitalisation, especially in the manufacturing sector, is complex and multifaceted. However, by adopting a human-centred approach, we can bridge the gap between technology and people, ensuring that our digital transformation efforts are not just technologically advanced but also pragmatically valuable and human-centric.

At Elisa IndustrIQ, we are not just embracing digital evolution; we are redefining it with a human touch. Our commitment is to continue being at the forefront of this transformative journey, guiding our clients towards a future where technology and human potential converge to create unparalleled value.

In collaboration with ManufacturingTomorrow